Monday, 20 July 2015

The Roundup


Blast from the Past

This week I read an interesting opinion piece on why one successful entrepreneur prioritizes his workouts ahead of his business endeavors. While some entrepreneurs might find this decision potentially detrimental to the success of his or her business, the author argues that maintaining his physical health is essential to keeping his business running smoothly. He suggests that exercise is a major component of optimizing his mental and physical state, and that by prioritizing his health above his business, he’s actually able to be more successful in his business. The author even promotes this mentality for his employees and team members.

As an entrepreneur and business owner myself, I strongly identified with this article. Not only do I prioritize exercise in my own life, but I encourage my team to prioritize their physical health as well. Anyone who is familiar with my writing knows that I believe daily movement to be one of the most important factors of health and wellness, and that I’ve set up my workspace to ensure that I’m able to accomplish this daily movement while still working long hours. Unfortunately, lack of movement might be one of the most health-deteriorating trends of our time, and many of us are unable to get the daily movement we need to keep our bodies healthy.

That’s why I created my new program called Made To Move. Many of us, myself included, don’t have time to get to the gym every day, or aren’t interested in doing (unnecessarily) hardcore fitness programs. The truth is, it doesn’t take much activity to keep you healthy, provided you’re getting the right type of activity to keep your body appropriately stimulated. And you don’t need an expensive gym membership to stay fit - with Made to Move, you can do all of the exercises at home, or even at the office.

The goal of this course is simple: to help you move more. If you’re a business owner like me, you can appreciate the benefits of an exercise program that fits in with your busy work day while promoting good physical and mental energy. I hope you’ll join me in Made To Move, and start prioritizing your physical health even above your business!

Research Report

  • Beware of the 'summer slide' when it comes to good eating habits. 
  • This study shows people eat more when food is branded as 'fitness’ food.
  • How much and at one time of day should you exercise to improve sleep
  • Our calorie-laden diet generates more ill health than physical inactivity, alcohol and smoking combined.
  • Running, or any aerobic exercise, could be a legitimate form of therapy.
  • Walking in nature might be an antidote to negative thinking.
  • Animal protein intake, but not plant protein intake, is associated with higher lean mass in adult men and women.
  • A study showed that a low-carbohydrate diet produced greater glycemic control in type 2 diabetics compared to low-fat diet.
  • This is an interesting study examining the link between autoimmune conditions and gut conditions like SIBO.

Worth A Look

For the Foodies

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Do you have an idea worth spreading? Share it on video through OpenTED

OpenTEDYou have an idea. A good one – one that will make people think. But giving a TED Talk on a stage in front of an audience? Well, that doesn’t quite feel like the right way to express it.

If giving a traditional TED Talk isn’t your style, you may be excited to hear about The OpenTED Project — a new experimental initiative launching today to uncover ideas in all forms. Through OpenTED we’re erasing the lines around what is and isn’t a “TED Talk” and soliciting ideas that come in any form capturable on video. Through OpenTED, you can show us an idea as a documentary, an invention, an original animation, video poetry, song lyrics, monologues, dialogues, art, choreography  — really, in any form you can imagine to communicate your idea to others.

The OpenTED Project is your personal invitation to share your idea — be it grand and global, or individual and personal — with the world.

The only rules for The OpenTED Project: your idea needs to exist as a video, and it cannot exceed six minutes. And the expression of an idea really is key. Great OpenTED videos will inspire others to think, learn and even act. Whether your idea is a product, a campaign, a line of inquiry or a revision of history — it should come with a light bulb over it.

If you have an idea, submit your video. The best ones — as voted on by members of the OpenTED community — may just become a TED Talk of the day, starting in the fall. Other OpenTED speakers may get an invitation to attend or appear at one of our conferences.

Some submissions might look a bit like a filmed talk, but others will undoubtedly come in packages we never could have imagined.

The deadline for submitting is Thursday, Oct. 15, 2015, at 11am Eastern.

We plan to share your submissions with the world in grand style in the fall, where the global community can view and vote on them.

Read all the fine print, and find instructions for submitting your video to The OpenTED Project »

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What I eat in a day VIDEO!

Sweet Potato Falafel

Guess what?!

One of the most common video requests is “What I eat in a day”! I totally get it. I love watching these type of videos on Youtube. I get ideas, and tons of inspiration. It’s also just a fun way to watch my favorite YTers behind the scenes :)

My first what I eat in a day video was a success, so I decided to make another. After all, I definitely don’t eat the same thing every single day. Check out the video, and then let me know what you eat in a day. Do our daily diet’s look familiar? Are you also a raving fan of avocado on toast like I am?

If you aren’t already subscribed to my Youtube channel, please join over 16,000 other fans of Sweet Potato Soul. I don’t want you to miss a thing! xo

The post What I eat in a day VIDEO! appeared first on Sweet Potato Soul by Jenné Claiborne.

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Monday Inspiration

Happy Monday Everyone! I’ve been working on something seriously exciting for the last few months and it’s now all coming together. It’s the biggest thing I will have done in my career, which is pretty scary but very exciting. I thought today I needed a quote for confidence and this one seemed just perfect…

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.  Live the life you have imagined. Henry David Thoreau

It’s going to be a busy week, full of crazy plans and big dreams but I’m so excited to push myself and create something awesome. Have a beautiful week everyone and don’t be scared to take risks and go after something big and exciting x


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Healthy Peanut Butter Cup Cupcakes

Have you cake and protein too! Make these healthy peanut butter cup cupcakes with 100% whole grains, all-natural sugar, and tons of protein! Top them with a lower-fat peanut butter protein frosting.

Have you cake and protein too! Make these healthy peanut butter cup cupcakes with 100% whole grains, all-natural sugars, and tons of protein!  GET EXCITED for this recipe folks. I am super exciting to be partnering with Betterbody Foods today for these delicious Peanut Butter Cup Cupcakes topped with protein peanut butter frosting. Way back...

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Sunday, 19 July 2015

How to Create a Perfect Sleep Environment

How to create a perfect sleep environment 200x150 How to Create a Perfect Sleep Environment

How to create a perfect sleep environment How to Create a Perfect Sleep Environment

Unless you’ve been living in a cave (in which case you probably get great sleep already), you’ve heard about the importance of sleep for health and how most of us aren’t getting enough quality sleep.

Unfortunately, just like with a good diet, simply knowing the importance of sleep isn’t enough to make it happen. More than just knowing the importance of sleep, we have to create a good sleep environment and optimize the factors that lead to good sleep.

Sleep is certainly one very-important aspect of health that I struggle with personally. It is easy to make the excuse that I’ve had babies or toddlers to keep me awake for the last (almost) decade, but the truth is that I’m also bad about turning off and unwinding, even when all the kids are already asleep.

I’m still a work in progress for being able to stop working and get to bed early, but I’ve found several factors that really improve my sleep quality and make it easier to fall asleep quickly.

Why Create a Good Sleep Environment?

We spend about 1/3 of our life sleeping. This is, of course, an average of the 23.5 hours a day we sleep as infants and the 1.5 hours a day we sleep as parents of infants, but by the time we sleep for the last time, we’ve spent approximately 1/3 of our life snoozing.

In fact, we statistically spend as much or more time in our beds and bedrooms as we do anywhere else, so it is important to make sure that your sleep environment is promoting health in as many ways as possible. Improving sleep environment can have lasting benefits to other aspects of your life, including your physical health, mental focus and even work performance.

These factors can make a tremendous difference in improving a sleep environment:

Lose the Light…

Light, or lack thereof, is vital for regulating circadian rhythm and sleep patterns. The presence of even a small amount of blue light in the bedroom at night can reduce vital melatonin levels and disrupt sleep.

This is the reason I wear dorky orange sunglasses at night and cover the blue light on my smoke alarm with electrical tape.

Many of us think we are sleeping in darkness, but forget mini light sources like clocks, charging cell phones, TV lights and other tiny light sources.

Why does it matter so much?

For much of human history, we had sunlight during the day and no light or only orange hues from the moon, stars, or campfire at night. Now, we have artificial light in various shades and spectrums and our bodies respond to these differently. Even ambient light in a normal house is 12-30 times brighter than natural moonlight and in much different colors.

At night, in darkness, our pineal glands produce melatonin which is vital for regulating cortisol, hormones and body temperature. Even small amounts of artificial light can interrupt this process, and this partially explains why so many of us have disrupted cortisol patterns.

As this article explains:

“And just to add insult to injury, many modern devices emit blue light from light-emitting diodes (LEDs) — light that’s especially good at suppressing melatonin. This is because melanopsin — a photopigment found in specialized cells of the retina involved in the regulation of circadian rhythms — is most sensitive to blue light.”

Crazy as it seems, even a little bit of light in your bedroom at night, especially blue light, can disrupt hormones and potentially lead to weight gain, blood sugar problems, increased cancer risk, higher chance of depression and anxiety, premature aging and heart problems.

What To Do:

  • Get your bedroom (and your child’s bedroom) as dark as possible!
  • Cover light sources and remove any unnecessary electronics
  • If you have artificial light outside (like streetlights), use blackout curtains to cover windows
  • Avoid computers, phone screens and TV for at least 90 minutes before bed, or if you must, use orange glasses to block blue spectrum light

Keep Your Cool…

Temperature is another important factor for great sleep. Your body temperature naturally cools slightly during sleep, and this occurs most easily when your bedroom is at certain temperatures.

A room that is too hot or too cold can affect sleep quality and even reduce the quality of REM sleep. Most experts recommend a bedroom temperature of 62-68 degrees with comfortably warm bedding and socks.

Temperature is so important, in fact, that one initial study showed that insomniacs who wore cooling caps that helped reduce body temperature were able to sleep as soundly and for the same amount of time as those without sleep disorders. (1)

What to Do:

  • Keep your bedroom at a cool but comfortable temperature for you.
  • Choose bedding that warms but doesn’t make you hot
  • Wear socks so you don’t get cool when your body temperature drops during sleep
  • Completely anecdotally, I’ve found that an ice pack on my forehead or the back of my neck helps me fall asleep if I’m having trouble

The Right Kind of Noise…

Many people use sound machines to block out noise and help them sleep. This is helpful for many people and in theory, this is great, but with a caveat. Heather explains it in detail in this post,:

White noise is actually machine-generated static that is used to mask annoying or distracting sounds. It works by combining all the frequencies we can hear – about 20,000 tones – into one sound. Basically, it’s the equivalent of a huge orchestra all playing a different note at once. What you get is not music, but a wall of sound that blocks other sound.

Of course, few of us (if any) can relax to the sound of scratchy static generated by a radio, or any other form. White noise manufacturers know that, so they embed the static within sound clips of waves or rain to make it more palatable. Though it seems like a sensible solution, this approach may actually cause several problems.

Some studies suggest that these artificial forms of white noise can create a cortisol response in the body and reduce focus and that long term, they may even impair brain function and development in children.

At the same time, sound machines are an important sleep solution for many families, helping children (and adults) fall asleep more easily and stay asleep longer.

For years, we would let our children fall asleep listening to choral music, soothing classical or even Gregorian chant, but after they broke about six CD players and we realized that CDs and CD players are getting harder to buy, we needed a better solution.

What to do:

Our family now uses the Sleep Genius app, which provides soothing ambient noise without the high-pitched white noise frequencies found in most sound machines and apps. There are two options for this:

  • Sleep Genius App (inexpensive): Sleep Genius makes this simple app that provides the correct frequencies of ambient noise that won’t raise cortisol or impair mental function and that help the brain sleep more restfully. This $5 app works wonderfully on its own. I use this in our room, but turn my phone on airplane mode at night (to avoid call/text interruptions and the wi-fi and cell tower signal). The only downside of this app is that we don’t have enough smart phones to use it in all of our bedrooms
  • Sleep Genius Sound System: This system has speakers and an iPod shuffle loaded with the Sleep Genius tracks. It is wired and does not require a smart phone, so this was a better solution for our kids rooms. TIP: If you get this system for your kids, I recommend putting it on a shelf up-high so it doesn’t meet the same fate as our six CD players did. If you want to  order the whole system, you can find it by clicking this link and scrolling to the bottom to “Accessories.” Use the code “WellnessMama” for 10% off.

A Good Mattress…

I feel like our mattress saga could be a book on its own. For years, we slept on a mattress that we bought new off Craigslist for $100. It worked and was comfortable but it wasn’t organic and it started to really show its wear after about 7 years (and a bunch of toddlers bouncing on it while I folded laundry).

We eventually made the jump to an organic mattress, which was wonderful for the kids, but after a few months, my husband started having back pain because the mattress was too soft. We realized the mattress was the problem when we would travel and his back would immediately stop hurting.

I knew we would have to switch mattresses… again, but organic mattresses are not inexpensive, and we were determined to try (and only buy) a mattress that we could try and return if it didn’t help his back.

What we did…

After a lot of research, the recommendation of two close friends, and the chance to try it, we settled on Intellibed and his back pain has been completely gone ever since. Long way of saying that finding the right mattress can be a long (and expensive) road and I hope you don’t ever have such a long journey of finding one that works for you.

In general, look for a mattress that is organic and contains only inert materials. For us, Intellibed was the perfect mix of support and comfort with all safe materials. (You can get a 10% discount on an Intellibed with the code “WellnessMama” at this link if you want to try it too).

Whatever you choose, make sure you research your mattress (and try it!) before buying it.

Clear the Air…

Air quality can directly affect sleep. The Harvard School of Public Health found that poor indoor air quality increased the risk of sleep disorders, including sleep apnea, which is one of the fastest growing sleep disorders. Indoor air pollution and the resulting sleep disorders may also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

This makes sense because we are sedentary and indoors at night, and are breathing more indoor air, which we know is often up to 70 times more polluted than outdoor air.

What to do:

  • Plants: NASA research found that house plants were an effective way to clean indoor air, and they used plants to purify that air in space facilities. Here is a list of child and pet safe plants that effectively purify indoor air. Bonus: plants are beautiful to look at and some research shows that just like being outdoors, seeing plants on a regular basis can help reduce stress and improve mental outlook.
  • Inexpensive Air Filters: Three inexpensive ways to clean indoor air are: Bamboo Charcoal bags, Salt Lamps and Beeswax Candles. This post explains why they work and how to use them.
  • The Most Effective Option: Not inexpensive, but this Austin Air Purifier is the best I’ve ever found. It has five filters and can remove dander, allergens, mold, and smoke from indoor air. I got this for our family last year for Christmas.

Put Your Feet Up…

This is technically done before bed, but I’ve found that this is one simple (and free) thing I can do that really improves my sleep quality and helps me fall asleep more quickly.

The theory is that since most of us are standing or sitting most of the day, blood and lymph fluid can collect in the legs and this can actually affect cortisol patterns as well. I explain more in this post and Ian Clark explains in detail in this podcast, but putting your legs up at a 90 degree angle before bed can help this fluid drain and can also help balance cortisol levels.

What to do:

For about 30 minutes before bed, lay on a flat surface (bed or floor) and put your feet up on another surface a couple feet higher at a 90 degree angle. The easiest way I’ve found to do this is on the bed with pillows stacked under my legs, or on the floor with my legs and feet up on a couch. Basically, it should look like you are in the sitting position, but with your back on the ground.

Bottom Line:

I hope that some of these tips will be as helpful to you as they are to my family. Certainly, some of these options are not in every budget, but even if you just cover your windows with some dark cloth or old blankets and create a dark sleep environment or sleep with the windows open when it gets a little cooler, I hope you’ll experiment and figure out how to make your own perfect sleep environment.

Strong what do you do to create a better sleep environment?

How to Create a Perfect Sleep Environment originally appeared on Wellness Mama.

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Woman Does Yoga By Ocean, Ocean Has Other Ideas (VIDEO)

That time the ocean reaaally wasn’t so into your beach yoga. Seriously, if it’s not cats sabotaging your on-camera yoga moment, it’s oceans. Beach yoga fail? Maybe, but they definitely succeeded in giving us a good belly chuckle! Watch and learn. No yogis were harmed in the making of this video. We’re not sure about […]

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Caribbean Chicken Tacos + Weekly Menu

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Inspiration: Rhian and Spin Obsessions!


As lots of you know my New Year’s resolution was to get fit and I’m having so much fun doing it! One of my favourite discoveries has been spinning, I am totally obsessed. I go to an early spin class every Monday morning, it’s a non negotiable part of my calendar and I just love it – it always starts the week off on the best note. I’ll spin anywhere really but my favourite spin studio is Psycle, it’s awesome. There are lots of great instructors but Rhian is the absolute best and she’s in the most amazing shape, so I thought she’d be a fun person to chat to and get some inspiration from!

Name: Rhian Stephenson

Where do you live? Primrose Hill, London

What sparked your interest in health and wellness? 

I have always been active – my mother was an professional athlete and I got into competitive swimming when I was 11 years old. I did well at swimming and made the national team, but I was always a really sickly child. Ear infections, stomach issues, bronchitis, strep throat, and sinus infections plagued me – it felt like I was always sick. I went to every doctor and finally my mother took me to see a naturopath. I found out I was allergic to dairy and once I cut it out, balanced my hormones and strengthened my system I totally thrived – in sport and school.

How did you build your passion for healthy living into a career?  

In school I always loved science, and after I went through such a profound change in my health I was so amazed at how one thing could effect my health in such a negative way. Learning about nutrition, exercise & metabolic function, and the underlying biology of it all was super inspiring for me. I loved being able to learn how I could feel my best, train harder, perform better and generally be happier. It got me really excited to help other people learn about their health and see how they can feel their best.

Who inspires you? 

It’s hard to pinpoint one person. My friends, my grandma, my team at Psycle. One thing that really inspires me is watching my riders transform at Psycle. We’ll have people come to Psycle who are self conscious, unfit and totally intimidated by the thought of working out and within weeks you can see them literally transforming. They start to push harder, let go of their insecurities, and you can see their confidence sky rocket. I love seeing them go from never having worked out to rocking the sprints and power intervals in the front row. It’s amazing to see.

Favourite quote?

I actually love one of the quotes we have at Psycle. “I’ve decided to be happy because it’s good for my health” – Voltaire

What is your biggest achievement so far? 

Stepping into CEO of Psycle has been the most challenging and most rewarding thing I’ve ever done.


Have you always been into fitness or was it something you learnt to enjoy in recent years?

I’m lucky that I got into sport at a very early age, so fitness for me isn’t a chore or stress. It’s totally engrained into my life and I love it.

What’s a typical daily workout for you?

I ride at Psycle 4 times per week. When I don’t ride I’ll do 1 yoga session and one HIIT or weights session per week. I don’t like going to the gym so last year I bought a TRX and it’s totally changed the way I workout – being able to jog to the park and workout pretty much anywhere has been amazing.

Where do you get the inspiration from to develop so many unique forms of exercise routines?

When I was a swimmer we used to do loads of different types of cross training – everything from weights, boxing HIIT and calisthenics, to pilates, yoga and hiking. It really ignited my interest and passion in exploring everything that’s out there and constantly changing it up. It was so interesting and fun and every exercise benefitted the body in a different way – and that’s what I love now. To see how you can combine functional movements to challenge the body and mind while keeping it fun and stimulating.

What’s the one piece of equipment you can’t live without?

My Vitamix.

What are your favourite ways to stay active?

Psycle! After that I love Yoga, and then I’ll do a run and park workout each week.

What’s your typical…

Breakfast: Superfood smoothie bowl.

Lunch: There is a great Vegetarian place around the corner from my office called Ethos; they have amazing salads, lentils and veggie stews.

Snack: I only snack on days I workout in the evening, and I generally have carrots & hummus, a home made energy ball or a cold pressed juice.

Dinner: Grilled fish & greens and then either sweet potato or a pseudo grain salad. I love eating raw dishes so in the spring and summer I often have courgette spaghetti or some other spirulized dish.


What’s your favourite dessert?

Raw blueberry cheesecake.

Where are your favourite places to eat? 

Mediterrano in Notting Hill, Nama (for Raw), Lemonia, Grangers.

What is your beauty routine? 

I use the clarisonic on my face and then I always follow it with a serum from Skinceuticals – Hyrating B5 in the morning and a few times per week I use the Age & Blemish Defence. For me though, diet and exercise is far more important to my skin than what I use on it. I notice a huge different if I can’t eat clean or get a good workout in. Cardio is one of the best things for your skin because it helps with circulation and the elimination of toxins, so a good sweat is essential for me!

Where’s your favourite place in the world? 

It’s hard to pick one! But my all time favourite place is my cottage in Muskoka, Canada. The lake and forest is absolutely stunning and I have so many memories from growing up there that it’s the place I feel happiest and most at peace. In terms of places I’ve been on holiday – Bali was amazing. The scenery and food was incredible and the people there were so kind and inspiring.

What makes you happy? 

Friends, cooking, exercise, travelling.

Do you have any favourite tips and tricks to stay healthy and happy everyday? 

Exercise and nutrition should be a part of your lifestyle – so the easiest way to stay healthy and happy is to find out what types of exercise you enjoy and commit to them. For me exercise and food are non negotiable. Schedule in your workouts and make sure they are activities that make you happy. It’s the same with food. If you factor in a few simple practices – start off your day with water & lemon, get something green in at breakfast, avoid sugar & refined foods – you’ll notice a snowball effect and it will get easier and easier to stay healthy. One of the incredible things about our bodies is that they self regulate, so once you have been healthy for a month or so if you do end up choosing foods that are unhealthy or don’t suit you then you will really notice it and it makes it really easy to steer clear of them. It becomes an easy choice rather than feeling like a chore. Staying healthy and happy is actually quite simple, but we tend to over complicate it and worry too much. Learn to listen to your body and instead of getting upset or frustrated if you have a craving or low energy, try to instead work out what it means. One of the ways I feel healthiest is by responding to my body and how it feels.


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Summer SWEAT Series: Week 6 Nutrition Plan

The last and final week of the Summer SWEAT Series is here and it’s bittersweet! Over the course of the last 6-weeks Monique and I have been blown away from the response we’ve gotten on this program. We’ve been continually impressed with the dedication and engagement we’ve seen from everyone involved and we’re sad to...

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Saturday, 18 July 2015

Guest Recipe: Raw Raspberry & Cashew Cookies

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Emergency Meatballs

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Friday, 17 July 2015

Petition Calls For Required Body Positivity Training For All Yoga Teachers

Should body positivity be a required part of yoga teacher training? A group of socially conscious yogis thinks so. A petition, started by Jeniffer Zimmerman of “All Bodies Rise Yoga,” is calling for body positivity training to be a required part of all Yoga Alliance-registered schools’ yoga teacher training programs. While Yoga Alliance’s influence has been […]

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An organic computer of connected rat brains, what the American South can learn from post-WWII Germany and much more

Anand-Giridharadas'-TED-TalkThe TED community always has lots of news to share. Below, some highlights from the past two weeks.

Lessons for the South — from Germany. “Can the American South, still grappling with the legacy of slavery and segregation, learn something from Germany’s grappling with Nazism?” Anand Giridharadas asked this question of four scholars who study both places. The takeaway: in Germany, a sense of “collective responsibility” has led to public memorials of tragic events, while in the South, public remembering is tinged with nostalgia for a lost cause. The “self-critical memory culture” of Germany allows for remembrance of unsettling events, like a memorial to a neighborhood where murdered Holocaust victims once lived. For a Southern equivalent, Anand points to an idea from TED speaker Bryan Stevenson: “holographic memorials that pop up and deliberately startle passers-by at sites where lynchings occurred.” (Watch Anand’s TED Talk, “A tale of two Americas. And the mini-mart where they collided.”)

An organic computer made of … animals. At TEDGlobal 2014, Miguel Nicolelis shared his research on a brain interface that lets two rats — or three monkeys — cooperate to solve problems together. This month, he and his colleagues published a paper in the open-access journal Scientific Reports to expand on the concept of the “Brainet.” The paper describes an initial model, interconnecting the brains of four adult rats, that shows “the core of a new type of computing device: an organic computer.” As Nicolelis told Motherboard, “These computers will not do word processing or numerical calculation or internet searches; they will be tailored for very specific tasks. It’s a totally different kind of vision for computation that we’re not used to.” (Watch Miguel’s TED Talk, “Brain-to-brain communication has arrived. How we did it.”)

A grant for the StoryCorps app. StoryCorps has won a $600,000 grant from the Knight Foundation to improve its app, which lets users record interviews on their mobile devices. The app was launched into public beta with the 2015 TED Prize; the Knight grant will be used to add new features, like social tools for interviewing people far away. (Watch Dave’s TED Prize talk, “Everyone around you has a story the world needs to hear.”)

And the first StoryCorps app marriage proposal. On July 8, Rory Miller asked his girlfriend, Asya Adcock, to marry him, while the two recorded an interview on the StoryCorps app. Sitting in their Tennessee home, Rory begins, “This last question basically says, ‘Take time to tell your interview partner what they mean to you.’ So I’m going to say to you: I absolutely adore you. You are easily the best thing that ever happened to me in any way, shape or form.” Check out an excerpt of the interview to hear him ask the question — and to hear Asya’s response.

African music in the digital age. In a fun Q&A with Paper, TED Fellow Bill “Blinky” Sellanga talks about how South African house music and guitar-heavy Kenyan songs are finding new global audiences online. “The grooves that African music has are insane,” he said, “and just waiting for innovative producers and musicians to merge both worlds to get people on their feet.”

Have a news item to share? Write us at and you may see it included in this biweekly round-up.

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Is ADHD Under Diagnosed? Podcast Episode 39

Is ADHD Under Diagnosed 200x150 Is ADHD Under Diagnosed? Podcast Episode 39

In natural health circles, it is common to hear that ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is over-diagnosed and that too many children are being medicated for “just being kids.”

John Gray, famous for his bestseller “Men are From Mars, Women are from Venus,” would agree that too many children are medicated, but he believes that ADHD is actually under-diagnosed.

Gray struggled with ADHD most of his life before finding relief and became an expert in natural health in the process. Though he is known as a relationship expert, he has spent the past 15 years researching and becoming an expert in natural health after receiving (and eventually reversing) a Parkinsons diagnosis.

Now, he has written a book called Staying Focused In A Hyper World: Natural Solutions For ADHD, Memory And Brain Performance, that details the steps he used to help recover from ADHD and Parkinsons and resources he has used to help many other people recover as well.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Why Gray says ADHD is under-diagnosed
  • The different types of ADHD and why the differences are important
  • Why reducing a fever may lead to ADHD and other problems
  • How EMFs affect us, especially those with underlying brain issues
  • Why oxidative stress affects the brain and the rest of the body
  • Practical solutions if your child has ADHD (the answer might be in the bath tub?)
  • Why Glutathione is the master nutrient for the brain and how to get enough
  • How giving your children a hot (103 degree) bath every other day can help
  • Why 20 minutes of sunshine each day is so important
  • So much more.

Resources from this episode:

Thanks for Listening!

Thank you so much for joining me this week. Please leave any comments or feedback in the comments section below.

If you enjoyed this interview, please share with family and friends via email or using the social media buttons at the bottom of this post.

Thanks to Vital Proteins for sponsoring this episode of the Wellness Mama Podcast. Vital Proteins is my go-to source for all things gelatin and collagen.

Also, please leave an honest rating and review of the podcast on iTunes. Rankings and reviews really matter in the rankings of my podcast and I greatly appreciate every review and read each one.

Don’t forget to subscribe via iTunes or Stitcher so you don’t miss any future episodes.

Is ADHD Under Diagnosed? Podcast Episode 39 originally appeared on Wellness Mama.

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Vanilla Gluten Free Cake Recipe

Gluten free buttercream cake recipe with fondant and buttercream 200x150 Vanilla Gluten Free Cake Recipe

Gluten free buttercream cake recipe with fondant and buttercream Vanilla Gluten Free Cake Recipe

I normally don’t share many dessert recipes, but that is because I don’t often make dessert. My husband and I don’t really like most sweet foods, and while the kids would probably eat dessert whenever we serve it, we try not to have sweets very often and to focus on quality proteins, vegetables and fruits instead.

This recipe was born because I was trying to create a vanilla cake recipe that I loved and could use for making a friend’s baby shower cake.

The kids were, of course, willing taste testers, but I knew the cake was a winner when my husband liked it too. He isn’t a dessert guy at all, and the only dessert he will normally even eat is chocolate chip cookies, so the fact that he raved about this cake was a big deal.

Vanilla Gluten Free Cake Recipe

This recipe is grain-free, gluten free, and dairy optional with a coconut and almond flour base. It does use some natural sweeteners, but is free of refined sugar and food dyes.

Even though this would fall in the “healthy” spectrum of desserts, this is absolutely not an everyday recipe!

As good as this cake was, a better option would still be a protein packed meal with some fresh fruit for dessert, but if you feel like splurging, this is a good alternative to most other cakes!

Vanilla Gluten Free Cake Recipe
  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Mix coconut flour, almond flour, baking powder and salt and set aside.
  3. Beat the melted coconut oil/butter, coconut sugar, almond/coconut milk, vanilla and eggs for about 2 minutes or until well mixed and fluffy.
  4. Slowly add the dry ingredient mixture to the wet ingredients as they continue to mix.
  5. Mix until well incorporated spread into two round 8-inch pans (if not making a layer cake, you can also make as cupcakes or a 9x13 cake. It makes about 24 cupcakes.
  6. Bake for 30-35 minutes or until firm to the touch in the middle.
  7. Remove from heat and let cool completely.
  8. Frost with buttercream (if desired- see recipe below) and cover with fondant (completely optional).
Coconut flour varies a lot by brand. You may need to add slightly more flour if the batter is too thin or add slightly more coconut/almond milk if the mixture is too thick.
This can be served without any type of frosting, or with fresh cream and berries or lemon zest. Though I included a recipe for fondant, we didn't actually eat the fondant and I just used it for decorating.

Buttercream Frosting Recipe

Again, this cake doesn’t need frosting, but if you want to add frosting, this recipe turned out great:


  • 1 cup of butter
  • 4 cups of powdered sugar (or put coconut sugar in a high-powered blender to powder it- though it won’t be white)
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 2 tablespoons heavy cream


  1. Beat the butter for 2-3 minutes or until fluffy.
  2. Add the sugar and other ingredients and beat for an additional 1 minute or until completely smooth.
  3. Use icing right away.

Fondant Frosting Recipe

We used this purely for decoration since the texture was great but it was too sweet for me! You could add natural food coloring to this to make any color you want for decoration.



  1. Melt the marshmallows in the microwave or double boiler on stovetop with the water.
  2. Add most of the powdered sugar to the melted marshmallow mixture.
  3. Mix with a spoon or the kneading hook on a mixer for 1-2 minutes or until well incorporated and thick
  4. At this point, add some of the rest of the sugar.
  5. Grease hands with coconut oil and knead the icing. Keep mixing until smooth and elastic.
  6. Refrigerate for a few hours (optional) or roll out using a rolling pin. Carefully drape over cake, or use knife or cookie cutters to cut desired shapes.

Pulling it All Together

Personally, I preferred the cake by itself with some fresh berries on top, but if you are making for a special event and want it to look more fancy, this is what I did for the picture:

  1. Let cakes cool completely. Placed one on a flat baking sheet and iced with a thin layer of buttercream on top.
  2. Added the second layer and iced the top and sides.
  3. Rolled the fondant into a thin (1/8-1/4 inch) layer and placed carefully on top of the cake. I wanted more of a draped look, so I let the layers fall as they naturally did.
  4. I cut a “bow” out of the remaining fondant for decoration, but you could use any shape for this.

Ever made a (somewhat) healthier version of a treat? 

Vanilla Gluten Free Cake Recipe originally appeared on Wellness Mama.

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Video: Olive, Pine Nut and Zucchini Salad

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For the Love of Food

For the Love of Food

For the Love of Food

Welcome to Friday’s For The Love of Food, Summer Tomato’s weekly link roundup.

This week new warnings about ibuprofen, how to get ripped without steroids, and a surprising risk from grocery bags.

Too busy to read them all? Try this awesome free speed reading app I just discovered to read at 300+ wpm. So neat!

Want to see all my favorite links? (There’s lots more). Be sure to follow me on Delicious. I also share links on Twitter @summertomato and the Summer Tomato Facebook page. I’m very active on all these sites and would love to connect with you.

Links of the week

What inspired you this week?

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Smoky Tilapia Tacos

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Homemade Italian Dressing

Make your own Homemade Italian dressing at home with Ingredients you already have on hand! There's no added preservatives, only good-for-you ingredients!

Make your own Homemade Italian dressing at home with Ingredients you already have on hand! There’s no added preservatives, only good-for-you ingredients! I am so excited to be heading up north this weekend for Sister’s bachelorette party! I don’t even know if I can can call it that because it’s definitely not your typical bachelorette...

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The post Homemade Italian Dressing appeared first on Fit Foodie Finds.

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Thursday, 16 July 2015

‘Lululemon Diaries’ – Employee Recounts Cult-ish Corporate Culture And Disturbing Co-Opting Of Yoga

In case you needed a reason to be even more creeped out, turned off, astonished by Lululemon, an anonymous employee’s account of the wacky behind the scenes will surely give you that extra push. Entitled “Lululemon Diaries: My Life in an Exploitative Libertarian Happiness Cult” the post appeared on Jezebel Wednesday and has been met […]

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Thich Nhat Hanh Transported To US For Intensive Rehabilitation, A ‘New Chapter’

An update on Thich Nhat Hanh, beloved Zen Buddhist monk, teacher and author who is recovering from a stroke that left him unable to speak. An announcement from Plum Village informs us Thay, as he is called by those close to him, was transported to the US earlier this week “to receive a more intensive rehabilitation program […]

You're reading Thich Nhat Hanh Transported To US For Intensive Rehabilitation, A ‘New Chapter’ by YogaDork. Follow YogaDork on Twitter and Facebook.

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5 Natural Pest Control Options That Work!

Natural Pest Control that actually works 200x150 5 Natural Pest Control Options That Work!

Natural Pest Control that actually works 5 Natural Pest Control Options That Work!

I would have thought that with all the snow we had last Winter, insects wouldn’t be bad this year. And I would have been wrong. I’ve always been a target for mosquitos when I am outside (thus my obsession with natural bug spray recipes), but this year, it seems like there is a giant insect conspiracy to dive bomb and infiltrate every door of our house the second it is open (which is every other second with our kids).

The normal advice to “make sure to keep counters and floors clean and put food away so insects aren’t attracted to your house,” doesn’t works so well when you are fermenting jars of sweetened tea (kombucha) and sugar water (water kefir) on the kitchen counters.

That advice also doesn’t work so well when my kids’ favorite snacks are fresh fruits and veggies and inevitably, some of them drip on the table or floor.

Natural Pest Control Options

Thankfully, there is a great pest control company locally that ran a special where I could have our entire house and yard sprayed with pesticides to ward off ticks, mosquitos, roaches, flies and other things I’ve never even heard of. So of course I jumped on that deal right away.

In case you missed the sarcasm in that last paragraph… I absolutely did not have our house sprayed, but I knew I had to find some natural pest control options that actually worked before the flies few off with my sanity.

I turned to some of the natural pest control ideas I’d used in the garden before, and tried the suggestions of friends. These were the options that worked best for us:

Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous Earth (or DE) is a fine powder made from the fossilized remains of diatoms, a type of algae. It has a very hard shell, is high in silica and is very sharp, though it is so fine that it doesn’t do damage to human tissue or skin. In fact, I’ve taken it internally before to get rid of parasites and for its silica content (helps hair and nail growth).

As I explained before:

The strong negative charge of diatomaceous earth means that it naturally attaches to and removes from the body things like: chemicals, viruses, bacteria, heavy metals and even radiation. It’s sharp/strong structure allows it to puncture the exoskeleton of insects on a microscopic level, causing them to dehydrate and die (while humans and animals are left completely unharmed).

Diatomaceous earth (DE) is recognized as safe for human and animal use, and food grade DE is considered safe for human consumption, even during pregnancy and nursing.

I’ve found the DE is especially effective for ants, fleas, roaches and other insects that walk or jump rather than fly. The only caution is to avoid inhaling the powder as it can be irritating to the lungs. This post explains other ways we use DE.

How to use DE for pest control: When I noticed an any invasion, I sprinkled DE liberally on the carpets and in areas where the ants seemed to be entering. Within a day or two, the ant problem had solved itself and I just vacuumed up the remaining powder. Years ago, when we adopted a precious kitten who brought some not-so-precious fleas with her, our apartment became flea infested within days. Thankfully (or unfortunately), we had white carpet, so I just sprinkled DE on the cat and all the floors a couple times a day for a week and the fleas were gone.

Where to get DE: I use this brand because it is food grade so we can also use it internally. I’ve also ordered 50 pounds bags inexpensively from local supply stores and co-ops before, it can just be more difficult to find a food grade option.

Natural Ant Poison

Katie of suggested this method when I interviewed her on my podcast last year and it works really effectively, though it does take a day or two to start working because the ants take it back to their home and it poisons them.

It is made with borax and corn syrup (the only thing I’d recommend using it for) and while you wouldn’t want to let your children play with or eat it, borax is much less toxic than pesticides. (I cover the safety of using borax in this post).

Her method is to mix equal parts Borax powder and corn syrup and spread on an index card. The ants are attracted to the sweetener, eat it and take it back to their nest and it poisons them. Again, not an immediate fix, but a good long-term one.

Natural Fly Traps

Fruit flies have been especially bad this year, and they are difficult to trap. Thankfully, we haven’t had too many large flies, but the fruit flies were starting to drive me a little crazy.

Someone at the farmer’s market suggested these natural fruit fly traps and they have worked great. I keep one on the counter near the fruit and we haven’t had trouble with fruit flies since we got them.

Essential Oils Spray

The easiest way to deal with indoor pests is to keep them from coming indoors in the first place. Easier said than done, but I had good results with using a vinegar and essential oils spray on the outside of our doors where flies and ants were coming in.

I mixed 2 cups of water with 1 cup of white vinegar, 50 drops of peppermint essential oil, 20 drops of basil essential oil and 20 drops of lemon essential oil. It actually didn’t smell bed but seemed to repel the insects.

Fresh Basil Leaf

I liked this natural pest control solution because it was duel-purpose. Fresh basil leaves seem to repel flies effectively, and I love the flavor or basil (pesto anyone?). I potted some fresh basil plants and placed them near each of our doors. It seemed to cut down on the insect invasion and we now have an almost endless supply of fresh basil leaves for caprese salad and other recipes.

Has your home been invaded by pests this year? What has worked for you?

5 Natural Pest Control Options That Work! originally appeared on Wellness Mama.

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A New Approach To Fat Loss Nutrition

The easiest way to lose weight is to eat less.

The statement is so simple and common, and yet merely telling someone to not stuff their face as often is also incredibly wrong.

Sure, if you eat less you’re likely to lose some weight and it’s an important part of the process. But saying “eat less” obviously isn’t that simple, and it’s those instructions alone that do plenty of damage.

The reason is in the process it takes to do so. Eating less usually means changing habits, such as what you eat, when you eat, or how much you stress about each and every meal. So eating less really isn’t just eating less; it’s making more decisions that trigger a series of reactions.

It’s those reactions where fat loss usually fails. It’s the rules, poor decisions, and demonizing of certain foods that make simple concept (eat less) the reason why people generally hate diets.

Tell someone not to eat a burger, and they might believe that removing one food they love will trigger weight loss. The truth: that removal will do more harm than good, especially when you realize that burgers (or really any food) can be a part of an effective diet plan.

Instead, the most effective diet programs don’t settle for cliches (eat less, move more), or even scapegoats (gotta be the carbs, right?), instead it’s about simplifying the lifestyle factors that make it easier to understanding how fat loss works.

That’s a real ingredient that is most often overlooked, and the backbone of Fat Loss Happens on Monday, a new book by Josh Hillis. If you want to take a new and more effective approach to weight loss, here are just a few of the principles that will make the process more doable and less of a headache.

Fat Loss Nutrition: Time to Choose

On of the biggest issues with most plans is the inflexibility. Quite simply, you have too many rules that force you to take a plan that doesn’t really fit how you eat and live.

A smarter approach is to look at your day-to-day habits and the build the plan around you, since making a diet fit your life is a big part of making sure it’s successful. Let’s take on of the most common problems as an example: your most difficult meal

The Problem: Mealtimes and Obstacles

Despite the surge in snacking behavior, most people still base their days around the concept of eating three meals per day.

Let’s say Bill has a hard time figuring out how to “get time for breakfast”, which becomes problematic because he repeatedly blows his lunch because he’s starving by the time he gets there. (Sounds familiar, right?)

Or Amy might feel breakfast and lunch are easy because she has a routine, but the wheels come off the wagon at dinner.

And Suzy might have no problem with breakfast and dinner, but work meetings often run through lunch and that’s where she struggles.

All of these three clients have very different issues hitting their meal plan, and it would be silly for each of them to work on the same thing.

At the same time, they all feel like they are “failing at fat loss” and they go searching for another diet, another superfood, another magic workout. But another diet or workout isn’t going to solve the issues they have with food.

Essentially, all of their issues are strategy issues.  They need to play the game of making the “problem meal” work.

Don’t Make Lists, Simplify The Changes

The first step to making realistic change is narrowing the focus of which mealtime to fix.

The easiest approach is to start with the meal that causes the most trouble, rather than trying to solve every meal. (Hint, you should do that for yourself right now).

And then you choose – how many meals do you want to take on next week?

The mindset is simple: you want to create your own fat loss game each and every week. It’s a s simple challenge.
Which meal time do you want to go to work on?
How many meals do you want to work on?

Maybe Suzy is really confident she can follow the plan.  She chooses: “I’m going to crush five lunches next week.”

And then the process begins. Suzy would take her day planner, look at her meetings, and plan what to do — strategically — to make that happen.

Maybe on meeting days when she can’t take a lunch, she brings two snacks to eat at her desk. Or on days when her lunch just gets pushed back, she brings a substantial mid-morning snack to get her through to the late lunch.

The point is, it’s not about a new diet or workout, and it’s not a willpower thing. It’s a matter of looking ahead to see the roadblocks that always come up, and handling them ahead of time.

Maybe Bill is working on breakfast, but he absolutely can’t see any way to make breakfast work because he never has time. So instead of mastery, the focus just becomes on achieving one good breakfast for the week.

Instead of solving a massive issues that’s always been an issue, now the focus is clear: How do I eat one good breakfast? And what are the barriers?

Usually the problems become clear: no breakfast foods in the house, no time in the morning, no ability to cook.

So you try to make adjustments for the reasons you struggle with food. Instead of planning in lunches in a calendar, Bill would be making time to go to the grocery store, or setting his clock 30 minutes earlier to wake up and have time to eat. These are lifestyle adjustments that help change behavior.

For Bill, because these are big changes he’s only focusing on that one meal.  He’s putting all of his willpower and discipline and energy and planning into winning at that one meal – and he doesn’t have to worry about the rest of the week’s meals or workouts or anything else besides that one meal.

It might not seem like much, but this is where long term fat loss begins.

It’s Not About Perfect, It’s About A Change You Can Make

That’s another reason that you get to choose how big of a change you make — because you want to know you can win at it.

For the one person, changing five meals could feel totally doable, if she had a plan. For the other, changing one meal seemed really big, and would also take a plan.

Is one better than the other?  Not at all.

If they both win at the games they chose for themselves, then they’re moving forward. It doesn’t matter if you win at 1 meal next week or 5. What matters is that you choose a game that is going to forward your goals, and you win at it.

With dieting it’s more effective to win at a smaller game than to lose at a bigger game.

It’s no different than the Tipping Point theory. But the difference here is you make up the game, so it’s your job to create a world where you know you can win.

Then, after you win the game one week you can create a new game for next week. And continue on focusing on winning one game at a time.

The 4-Step Plan to Fat Loss Nutrition

If you’re just getting started or hit a roadblock, here’s a 4-step plan you can follow to help on the path to fat loss success.

  1. Choose which meal you are going to work on next week — breakfast, lunch, or dinner .  (Depending on your situation, you might even get more specific — dinners out, lunch when I have to work a double, ect.)
  2. Choose how many meals you are going to take on upgrading next week — One? Three? Five?  (Whatever you do, take on a number you are confident you can win.)
  3. Do the planning – work backwards from the meal(s), figuring out what you need to do differently this week. Be strategic about the roadblocks that always throw you off for that meal.
  4. Avoid distraction. This week, don’t stress about your workouts or the rest of the meals you eat, just nail the meal(s) you are working on this week. You can always expand or change what you are working on next week. But for this week, just focus on the one thing that you choose.

This could be a completely different way of looking at fat loss from anything you’ve seen before. It’s simple, reasonable, and doable.  Hopefully, it almost seems too simple.

If you stack up little wins every week you’re going to be shocked at the impact these “little wins” have on your leanness and scale weight over the next couple months.

The post A New Approach To Fat Loss Nutrition appeared first on Born Fitness.

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